
Goods Inwards (W004) - door to toilets
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Caption: Goods Inwards (W004) - door to toilets
Description: Goods Inwards (W004) - door to toilets and cleaning cupboard. There is also a pulse clock (long defunct after the master clock clocked off in the 90s). Note the sign on the door about respirators needing to be worn (a joke). As well as odours there was the Phantom Tinkler, people leaving residue without flushing and the paper shredder who left loads of small bits of paper like confetti. The other amusing thing was the riser cupboard door was unlocked so we could flush the cistern when somebody was using the loo!
Alt text: Goods Inwards (W004) - door to toilets
Image credit: Gary Tull
Photo subject date: 08/12/2010


Goods Inwards (W004) – door to toilets and cleaning cupboard. There is also a pulse clock (long defunct after the master clock clocked off in the 90s).
Note the sign on the door about respirators needing to be worn (a joke). As well as odours there was the Phantom Tinkler, people leaving residue without flushing and the paper shredder who left loads of small bits of paper like confetti. The other amusing thing was the riser cupboard door was unlocked so we could flush the cistern when somebody was using the loo!

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