
W004 Goods Inwards - Hyster electric pump truck
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Caption: W004 Goods Inwards - Hyster electric pump truck
Description: While many of the pallets we had to deliver could be done using a standard pump truck (like the orange one on the right), heavier items, such as paper needed assistance. This Hyster electric pedestrian pump truck did the work so you just had to walk behind it and drive. Of course we had to be trained and demonstrate we could use it safely before letting us loose with it!
Alt text: W004 Goods Inwards - Hyster electric pump truck
Image credit: Gary Tull
Photo subject date: 08/12/2010


While many of the pallets we had to deliver could be done using a standard pump truck (like the orange one on the right), heavier items, such as paper needed assistance. This Hyster electric pedestrian pump truck did the work so you just had to walk behind it and drive. Of course we had to be trained and demonstrate we could use it safely before letting us loose with it!

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